Positivity Market Entrepreneurial  Apprenticeship Incubator

Residential Property Discovery of comparable properties leads to contracts for sale. Community members invest in Crowdfunding- Commercial and Residential Real Estate Purchases, so ownership is diverse and local to the community.

Commercial Property Discovery

With Commercial Property Discovery, interested parties specify desirable amenities then we search areas of interest to find the perfect property.

Property Selection

ReatlyTrust Property Selection provides at least three properties listings to narrow searches. Our extensive research process allows buyers and lessors to view a comprehensive snapshot of nearby schools, services, and authorities.

Multi Unit Dwelling Acquisition

Benefit recipients are usually limited to Single Room Occupancy, which prohibits voluntary roommate agreements. With Multiple Unit Dwelling Acquisition, we match aid recipients, so roommates are those who are known.

Property Listing Procedure

The RealtyTrust Property Listing Procedure includes options from popular applications such as Zillow as well as exclusive listings from MLS.

Auctions in Baltimore County

Auctions in Baltimore County are held at various times during the month and some properties conduct open bidding. Several sources are used to locate properties every month.

Auctions in Montgomery County

Auctions in Montgomery County are held at various times during the month and some properties conduct open bidding. Several sources are used to locate properties every month.